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During the Victorian period, there were many social changes and intellectual developments. As a result, a crisis of faith rocked society. How does In Memoriam, A. H. H. by Alfred, Lord
Tennyson reflect that crisis?

a)Grieving, the speaker first conveys his despair and anger but then reconfirms his religious belief. b)Wondering what becomes of his friend after death, the speaker questions the nature of identity.
c)The speaker questions the purpose of friendship, since friends are separated by death.
d)As a result of his friend’s death, the speaker’s love for his friend decreases, but then his affection grows.

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To determine how In Memoriam, A. H. H. by Alfred, Lord Tennyson reflects the crisis of faith during the Victorian period, we need to analyze the poem's content and themes.

Option a) suggests that the speaker conveys despair and anger but ultimately reconfirms his religious belief. To understand if this is reflected in the poem, we can analyze the speaker's emotions and thoughts towards faith and religion throughout the verses.

Option b) proposes that the speaker questions the nature of identity and what becomes of his friend after death. This suggests a contemplation of the afterlife and the uncertainty surrounding it. By examining the poem, we can assess if the speaker explores these existential inquiries.

Option c) states that the speaker questions the purpose of friendship since friends are separated by death. This implies a contemplation of the meaning and worth of human connections in the face of mortality. By examining the poem's themes and the speaker's reflections on friendship, we can determine if this idea is present.

Option d) suggests that the speaker's love for his friend initially diminishes after his death but later grows. This hints at an evolving emotional journey and the impact of grief on the speaker's emotions. By examining the speaker's emotions displayed throughout the poem, we can assess if this idea is reflected.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the content, themes, and emotions depicted in In Memoriam, A. H. H. by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.