which component of the technological system is achieved when your camera takes a photograph ?

a) input
b) feedback
c) goal
d) constraint

The answer is goal i put feedback and it was wrong 😭

It’s goal I promise

2 people said B I’m just going with B go with the most voted everyone just put random ones .2 picked B so go with B the most voted is always right

Which one is it


The component of the technological system that is achieved when your camera takes a photograph is the input.

To understand why, let's first define what each option represents in the context of a technological system:

a) Input: This refers to the information or energy that is fed into the system to achieve a desired output.

b) Feedback: Feedback refers to the process of obtaining information about the output of the system and using it to modify future inputs or actions.

c) Goal: The goal represents the objective or desired outcome that the system is designed to achieve.

d) Constraint: A constraint is a limitation or restriction that affects the operation or design of the system.

In the case of a camera taking a photograph, the camera acts as the technological system. The moment you press the shutter button, the input is provided in the form of light entering the camera lens, which passes through the aperture and hits the image sensor, generating an electric signal that represents the image captured.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a) input, as it describes the process of capturing light as the initial information or energy required for the camera to take a photograph.


