Americans spell differently from Canadians. Americans write "neighbor" and "color" while Canadians write "neighbour" and "colour”. Write a program to help Americans translate to Canadian. Your program should interact with the user in the following way. The user should type a word (not to exceed 64 letters) and if the word appears to use American spelling, the program should echo the Canadian spelling for the same word. If the word does not appear to use American spelling, it should be output without change. When the user types "quit!" the program should terminate.

The rules for detecting American spelling are quite naive: If the word has more than four letters and has a suffix consisting of a consonant followed by "or", you may assume it is an American spelling, and that the equivalent Canadian spelling replaces the "or" by "our". Note : you should treat the letter "y" as a vowel.
Keyboard input and screen output is expected.
Sample session. User input in italics.
Enter words to be translated:

To write a program that helps Americans translate to Canadian spelling, you can use the following steps:

1. Create a loop that prompts the user for input and continues until the user enters "quit!".
2. Within the loop, check if the input word has more than four letters and ends with a suffix consisting of a consonant followed by "or".
3. If the word meets the criteria for American spelling, replace the "or" suffix with "our" to convert it to Canadian spelling.
4. Output the translated word or the original word without change.

Here's a Python code example that implements the program:

while True:
word = input("Enter a word to be translated (or 'quit!' to exit): ")

if word == "quit!":

if len(word) > 4 and word[-2:] == "or" and word[-3] not in "aeiouy":
translated_word = word[:-2] + "our"

This program will continuously prompt the user for input and translate American spellings to Canadian spellings based on the given rules. It will exit when the user inputs "quit!".