Sharon is dividing her polished rock collection into bags. Each bag will contain the same number of each color of rocks. She is placing the green and blue rocks into the same bags. How many rocks will be in each bag? Sharon is placing the red rocks and the yellow rocks together in the bags. Each bag will contain the same number of each color of rocks. How many bags will contain red and yellow rocks

inadequate data.

Hi yall

To determine how many rocks will be in each bag that contains green and blue rocks, we need to find the common factor (or highest common factor) of the quantities of green and blue rocks.

Let's say Sharon has 'g' green rocks and 'b' blue rocks.

To find the common factor, we can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 'g' and 'b'. The GCD can be calculated using various methods, such as using prime factorization or the Euclidean algorithm.

Once we have the GCD, that will be the number of rocks in each bag containing green and blue rocks.

Now, to determine the number of bags that will contain red and yellow rocks, we need to find the common factor (or highest common factor) of the quantities of red and yellow rocks.

Let's say Sharon has 'r' red rocks and 'y' yellow rocks.

Again, we can find the GCD of 'r' and 'y' to determine the common factor. The GCD will represent the number of bags that will contain red and yellow rocks.