There was no danger, difficulty, or that could ponce de leon from venturing into the jungles of florida to search for the fountain of youth.

a= obstructuion...deter
b=procrastination... subside

i know the definitions its to hard i think its b

This the completed sentence.

There was no danger, difficulty, or OTSTRUCTION that could DETER Ponce de Leon from venturing into the jungles of Florida to search for the Fountain of Youth.

There is no danger,difficulty. or obstruction that could determine Ponce de Leon from venture into the jungles of Florida to search for the Fountain of Youth.


"determine" <~~?????

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of each option and analyze the context of the sentence.

Option A: Obstruction...deter - "Obstruction" refers to something that blocks or impedes progress, and "deter" means to discourage or prevent from doing something.

Option B: Procrastination...subside - "Procrastination" is the act of delaying or postponing, and "subside" means to decrease or diminish.

In the given sentence, it talks about Ponce de Leon venturing into the jungles of Florida to search for the fountain of youth. It states that there was no danger, difficulty, or _______ that could ______ Ponce de Leon from his pursuit.

Based on the context, we can infer that the missing words should mean something that could potentially discourage or prevent Ponce de Leon from going into the jungles. Hence, the correct answer would be Option A: obstruction...deter.

To determine the answer, it is important to carefully read the sentence and understand the relationship between the missing words and the context.