who ever loved that loved not at first sight?


(: I know right! lol

The phrase "who ever loved that loved not at first sight?" is a line from the play "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare. The meaning behind this line is that true love cannot be purely based on initial appearance or first impressions. It suggests that genuine love requires getting to know someone on a deeper level beyond their physical attributes.

To fully understand this line and its context, it is helpful to read or watch the entire play, as it explores various forms of love and relationships. However, if you want a more detailed analysis of this specific phrase or any other aspect of Shakespeare's work, you can consult literary analysis books, scholarly articles, or online resources dedicated to Shakespearean studies.

Understanding Shakespeare's plays often involves delving into the language, themes, and contexts of his works. It may also be beneficial to break down the line into its components and study the characters involved, the plot, and the overall message of the play.