3. Which of the following does not describe the city of San Juan? (1 point) a combination of old Spanish style buildings and modern skyscrapers

luxurious waterfront hotels that draw many tourists
steep mountains and rolling hills, scattered with small farms of mangos and lemons
steep mountains and rolling hills, scattered with small farms of mangos and lemons

Ooops I did that wrong.

3. Which of the following does not describe the city of San Juan? (1 point)
a combination of old Spanish style buildings and modern skyscrapers

luxurious waterfront hotels that draw many tourists

steep mountains and rolling hills, scattered with small farms of mangos and lemons

steep mountains and rolling hills, scattered with small farms of mangos and lemons

3. Which of the following does not describe the city of San Juan? (1 point)

a combination of old Spanish style buildings and modern skyscrapers

luxurious waterfront hotels that draw many tourists

steep mountains and rolling hills, scattered with small farms of mangos and lemons

a mixture of Spanish, African, U.S., and Caribbean cultural influences

My bad I keep screwing up but here is my answer:
3. luxurious waterfront hotels that draw many tourists

This is a confusing question. But since San Juan has 1, 2, and 4, the answer must be 3. The farms are outside of San Juan.

That is what I got. I took the test already. But thanks anyway! =)

To determine which of the given options does not describe the city of San Juan, we need to analyze each option.

Option 1: A combination of old Spanish style buildings and modern skyscrapers
San Juan is known for its mix of old Spanish style buildings and modern skyscrapers. So this option describes San Juan and is not the answer we are looking for.

Option 2: Luxurious waterfront hotels that draw many tourists
San Juan does have luxurious waterfront hotels that attract many tourists. So this option describes San Juan and is not the answer we are looking for.

Option 3: Steep mountains and rolling hills, scattered with small farms of mangos and lemons
San Juan is not characterized by steep mountains and rolling hills, or small farms of mangos and lemons. Therefore, this option does not describe San Juan.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3: steep mountains and rolling hills, scattered with small farms of mangos and lemons.