Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT.

Die Wellen haben sehr gross geworden.



i feel like this is correct. i also feel like it could be written differently but i don't know if both ways are correct, or only one. thanks for your help!

It is incorrect.

Correct is
Die Wellen sind sehr groß geworden.
You choose the wrong verb form.

The given sentence, "Die Wellen haben sehr groß geworden," is grammatically incorrect.

The correct form would be:
"Die Wellen sind sehr groß geworden," which translates to "The waves have become very big."

To determine whether a sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect, you should follow the rules of grammar specific to the language you are writing in. In this case, we are discussing German grammar.

In German, when expressing a change in state, such as something becoming or getting bigger, the verb "werden" (to become) is typically used in conjunction with the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be) in the perfect tense. Therefore, the correct sentence should use "sind" (the plural form of "sein") instead of "haben" (to have).

By understanding the grammar rules and considering the appropriate verb forms and tenses, you can determine if a sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect.