I have to write an Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography essay. But I don't know how to do that, can anyone explain what to do for me?

What is the purpose of the prospectus?

Are you supposed to include an annotated bibliography?

this is all we were given:

To what extent are identities flexible and unstable, and to what extent are identities fixed and permanent? To what extent are individuals in control of their own identity, and to what extent is their identity controlled by external cultural forces?

Certainly! I can help you understand how to write a Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography essay.

1. Understanding the Prospectus:
- A Prospectus is a document that outlines your research project or essay. It presents the purpose, goals, and scope of your work to the reader.
- Start by clearly stating your research topic or guiding question that you want to address in your essay.
- Provide a brief overview of why your topic is important and how it relates to the larger field of study.
- State the objectives or goals of your research, indicating what you intend to achieve or explore.
- Define the scope of your essay by specifying the limits or boundaries of your research, such as the time frame, geographical focus, or specific aspects you will analyze.
- Include a working thesis statement that expresses the main argument or hypothesis you will develop in your essay.

2. Understanding the Annotated Bibliography:
- An Annotated Bibliography is a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) used for research, accompanied by a brief description or evaluation of each source.
- Start by gathering relevant sources related to your research topic. Use academic databases, libraries, and credible websites to find quality sources.
- Create a citation for each source in the appropriate citation style (such as APA or MLA).
- Provide a concise summary of each source, highlighting its main arguments, findings, or contributions to your research topic.
- Assess the credibility and relevance of each source by considering the author's expertise, the publication's reputation, and the publication date.
- Explain why each source is valuable for your research and how it contributes to your understanding of the topic.
- Optionally, you can include a statement on how you plan to use each source in your essay or any connections you have identified between different sources.

By combining these two components, you create an essay that demonstrates your research plan (Prospectus) and showcases your engagement with relevant sources (Annotated Bibliography).

Remember to check the specific guidelines provided by your instructor or institution, as requirements may vary slightly. Good luck with your essay!