Expand each sentence below by adding words or phrases that modify the verb. Questions after each item suggest details you can add.

1.A French girl found them.
Who was with the girl?
In what time period did she find them?
2.The news spread about the Lascaux cave paintings.
How did the news spread?
From what or whom are they protected?
3.People hook up machines to their telephones.
What kind of people use machines?
What kind of machines are used?
4.Messages request information.
What kind of messages are heard?
What information is requested?

We'll be glad to check your answers.

Can you do number one for me so I can understand what to do and then I would do the rest.

A French girl found them yesterday.

Can you help me with number 4 please that's the last one.

Messages sometimes request information.

1. A young French girl with curly hair found them while exploring the forest near her hometown.

- Who was with the girl? No one was with her; she went on this adventure alone.
- In what time period did she find them? She stumbled upon them during a warm summer afternoon.

2. The exciting news quickly spread through word of mouth and social media about the remarkable Lascaux cave paintings.
- How did the news spread? It started with a few locals who discovered the paintings and shared their experience with friends and family, eventually gaining widespread attention on social media platforms.
- From what or whom are they protected? The cave paintings are protected by a team of dedicated archaeologists and government authorities who monitor and restrict access to ensure the preservation of this historical site.

3. Tech-savvy individuals often hook up advanced machines to their telephones to enhance their communication experience.
- What kind of people use machines? Technologically inclined individuals or those seeking to optimize their phone's functionalities use machines like Bluetooth headsets or speaker systems.
- What kind of machines are used? Various types of machines are commonly used, including wireless earbuds, portable speakers, and even smart home devices that integrate with the user's telephone.

4. Important messages frequently request essential information for further actions or decisions.
- What kind of messages are heard? Various types of messages, such as voicemails, emails, or text messages, are heard when individuals receive these information-seeking requests.
- What information is requested? The specific information requested in these messages can vary greatly, ranging from personal details like addresses or contact numbers to more professional inquiries about availability, pricing, or project details.