Write the verb that agrees with the subject of each sentence below

1. Land and water ___ drawn to scale on a globe (is are)

2.On a globe or a map an inch or a centimeter ___ for a much larger unit of measurement (stand stands)

3.Neither these globes nor this map ____ my street (show shows)

4.Valerie and Katy ____ distance on a globe (measure measures)

5.Maps and globes ____ different uses
(has have)

6.Either the globe or the maps ___ here
(Belong belongs)

7.Neither bridges nor airports ____ labeled on the map (is are)

8.Bill or John ____ the map that shows products ____has have)

9.The atlas or a few globes ___ helpful to us
(is are)

10.The scientists or their assistants ___ this map
(use uses)

1, 3, 4, 8 are wrong.

1. Land and water is drawn to scale on a globe - To determine the correct verb form, we need to identify the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "land and water," which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb form is "are."

2. On a globe or a map, an inch or a centimeter stands for a much larger unit of measurement - In this sentence, the subject is "an inch or a centimeter," which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb form is "stands."

3. Neither these globes nor this map shows my street - In this sentence, the subject is "neither these globes nor this map," which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb form is "shows."

4. Valerie and Katy measure distance on a globe - In this sentence, the subject is "Valerie and Katy," which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb form is "measure."

5. Maps and globes have different uses - In this sentence, the subject is "maps and globes," which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb form is "have."

6. Either the globe or the maps belong here - In this sentence, the subject is "either the globe or the maps," which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb form is "belongs."

7. Neither bridges nor airports are labeled on the map - In this sentence, the subject is "neither bridges nor airports," which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb form is "are."

8. Bill or John has the map that shows products - In this sentence, the subject is "Bill or John," which is singular. Therefore, the correct verb form is "has."

9. The atlas or a few globes are helpful to us - In this sentence, the subject is "the atlas or a few globes," which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb form is "are."

10. The scientists or their assistants use this map - In this sentence, the subject is "the scientists or their assistants," which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb form is "use."