48000 people voted in the last election in the town of Southboro. If only 55% of the registered voters voted in the last election, how many people are registered to vote?

I got 87,273
Nik put $264 in a savings account that pays 3% annual interest. How much will he have in his account in 6 monthes?
I don't know how to do this one
Maria wanted to buy a coat that regularly sells for $120.It is on sale for 35% off and the sales tax is 6%. what is the total cost of the coat?
I got $85
Noah received a credit card on his 18th birthday that charges a 22.9% annual rate of interest. If he spent $3000 the day he received his credit card and never made any payments, how much money will he owe on his 38th birthday?
I don't know this one
Zach went into a store A and spent 40% of his money. He spent 25% of his remaining money at store B. He then spent all but 20% of what was left. He ended up with $27 left over, how much money did zach start with?
I got 112
The largest bird able to fly weighed approximately 150 pounds. A typical bird today might weigh 1/2 pound. The weight of a bird today is what percent of the weight of the Pterodactyl?
I got 2.25

To find the number of registered voters, you can start by calculating the number of people who voted in the last election. We know that 55% of the registered voters voted in the last election, and this number is given as 48,000.

To calculate the number of registered voters, you can set up a proportion:

(55/100) = (48,000/x)

Now we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

55x = 48,000 * 100
55x = 4,800,000
x = 4,800,000 / 55
x ≈ 87,273

So, there are approximately 87,273 registered voters.

For the second question, to find the amount in the savings account after 6 months with a 3% annual interest rate, we can use the formula for compound interest:

A = P * (1 + r/n)^(nt)

A is the final amount
P is the principal amount (initial deposit)
r is the interest rate (as a decimal)
n is the number of compounding periods per year
t is the number of years

In this case, P = $264, r = 0.03 (3% as a decimal), n = 1 (since it's compounded annually), and t = 6/12 = 0.5 (6 months).

Plugging in these values into the formula, we get:

A = 264 * (1 + 0.03/1)^(1 * 0.5)
A = 264 * (1.03)^(0.5)
A ≈ 264 * 1.015
A ≈ $267.36

So, Nik will have approximately $267.36 in his account after 6 months.

For the third question, to find the total cost of the coat with a 35% discount and 6% sales tax, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount = 35% of $120
Discount = 0.35 * $120
Discount = $42

Step 2: Subtract the discount from the original price:
New price = $120 - $42
New price = $78

Step 3: Calculate the sales tax amount:
Sales tax = 6% of $78
Sales tax = 0.06 * $78
Sales tax = $4.68

Step 4: Add the sales tax to the new price:
Total cost = $78 + $4.68
Total cost = $82.68

So, the total cost of the coat is approximately $82.68.

For the fourth question, to find out how much money Noah will owe on his 38th birthday after spending $3000 and not making any payments, we need to calculate the accumulated interest.

First, we need to find the interest accumulated over the 20 years (from his 18th to 38th birthday). We can use the simple interest formula:

Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

In this case, the principal is $3000, the rate is 22.9% (as a decimal, 0.229), and the time is 20 years.

Interest = $3000 * 0.229 * 20
Interest = $13,740

So, the interest accumulated over the 20 years is $13,740.

To find the total amount owed on his 38th birthday, we add the initial amount spent to the accumulated interest:

Total owed = $3000 + $13,740
Total owed = $16,740

Therefore, Noah will owe approximately $16,740 on his 38th birthday.

For the fifth question, to find the initial amount of money that Zach had, we need to work backward.

Let's assume his initial amount of money was "x".

Step 1: Zach spent 40% of his money at store A, so he had 60% of his money left.
Remaining money after store A = 0.60 * x

Step 2: Zach spent 25% of his remaining money at store B, so he had 75% of his remaining money left.
Remaining money after store B = 0.75 * (0.60 * x)

Step 3: Zach spent all but 20% of what was left, so he had 20% of his remaining money left.
Remaining money after spending = 0.20 * (0.75 * (0.60 * x))

Step 4: He ended up with $27 left over, so we can set up the equation:
0.20 * (0.75 * (0.60 * x)) = $27

Now, we can solve for x:

0.20 * 0.75 * 0.60 * x = $27
0.09x = $27
x = $27 / 0.09
x ≈ $300

Therefore, Zach initially had approximately $300.

For the sixth question, to find the weight of the bird today as a percent of the weight of the Pterodactyl, we can calculate:

Weight of the bird today / Weight of the Pterodactyl

Given that a typical bird today weighs 1/2 pound and the weight of the Pterodactyl is 150 pounds, we substitute these values into the formula:

(1/2) / 150

To simplify this fraction, we can convert 1/2 to its decimal form by dividing 1 by 2:

(0.5) / 150

Now, divide 0.5 by 150:

0.5 / 150 ≈ 0.003333...

To express this as a percentage, we multiply by 100:

0.003333... * 100 ≈ 0.3333...

So, the weight of the bird today is approximately 0.33% of the weight of the Pterodactyl.

Please note: There might be a calculation error in your answer for the total cost of the coat. It is always good to double-check the calculations to ensure accuracy.