Kyle spent 26% of his tax refund on new pair of skis. His skis cost $350. How much was his refund?

.26 (x) = 350 if you use algebra??

divide both sides by .26

If you don't use algebra, I can show you another way.

if he spent 26% x on skis which is equal to 350 we set equations

26/100 x = 350

so 13/50 x = 350

so multiplying both sides by 50/13 gives us

50/13 * 13/50 x = 350 * 50/13

x = 350*50 /13 which is equal to around 1346, or 1346.15385 to be exact

To find out how much Kyle's tax refund was, we need to divide the cost of the skis by the percentage that he spent.

First, let's find out what percentage of his refund he didn't spend. Since he spent 26% of his refund, the remaining percentage he didn't spend is 100% - 26% = 74%.

We can represent the cost of the skis as 26% of his refund, so we can set up the following equation:

26% of X = $350

To find X, the total amount of Kyle's refund, we can use the proportion method and cross-multiplication:

(26/100) * X = $350

To isolate X, we divide both sides of the equation by 26/100:

X = $350 / (26/100)

Simplifying the right side of the equation, we divide $350 by 26/100:

X = $350 * (100/26)

X = $1346.15 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, Kyle's tax refund was approximately $1346.15.