4. Write a structured algorithm to prompt the user to enter the prices for two different pay-per-view movies. Calculate the amount due and output it with the following message: “Amount due BBC Television Ltd”. [5]

Sure, here's a structured algorithm that prompts the user to enter the prices for two different pay-per-view movies and calculates the amount due:

1. Start
2. Prompt the user to enter the price of the first pay-per-view movie
3. Read and store the price of the first movie
4. Prompt the user to enter the price of the second pay-per-view movie
5. Read and store the price of the second movie
6. Calculate the total amount due by adding the prices of the two movies
7. Output the following message: "Amount due BBC Television Ltd: $totalAmountDue"
8. End

Here is a structured algorithm to prompt the user for movie prices and calculate the amount due:

1. Start
2. Declare variables: price1, price2, amountDue
3. Prompt the user to enter the price for the first pay-per-view movie
4. Read the value entered by the user and store it in the variable price1
5. Prompt the user to enter the price for the second pay-per-view movie
6. Read the value entered by the user and store it in the variable price2
7. Add the values of price1 and price2 and store the sum in the variable amountDue
8. Output the message: "Amount due BBC Television Ltd"
9. Output the value of the variable amountDue
10. End

To write a structured algorithm for this task, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the program.
2. Prompt the user to enter the price for the first pay-per-view movie.
3. Read and store the value entered by the user.
4. Prompt the user to enter the price for the second pay-per-view movie.
5. Read and store the value entered by the user.
6. Add the prices of both movies to calculate the total amount due.
7. Output the following message: "Amount due BBC Television Ltd", along with the calculated total amount.
8. End the program.

Here is the structured algorithm representation:

DISPLAY "Enter price for the first pay-per-view movie:"
INPUT movie1Price
DISPLAY "Enter price for the second pay-per-view movie:"
INPUT movie2Price
amountDue = movie1Price + movie2Price
DISPLAY "Amount due BBC Television Ltd: ", amountDue

You can now convert this algorithm into programming code in any language you prefer.