define a variable and write an equality for each situation

the maximum speed allowed on main st is 25 miles per hour

a trainer advises an athlete to keep rate under 140 beats per minute



To define a variable in general, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a meaningful name for the variable. Let's consider the first situation:
- Maximum speed allowed on Main St: Let's name it "max_speed_mainst".

2. Assign a value to the variable based on the situation:
- In this case, the maximum speed allowed on Main St is 25 miles per hour. So, the equality would be:
max_speed_mainst = 25 mph.

Now, let's move on to the second situation:

1. Choose a meaningful name for the variable. Let's consider the second situation:
- Rate advised by the trainer: Let's name it "rate_trainer".

2. Assign a value to the variable based on the situation:
- The trainer advises the athlete to keep the rate under 140 beats per minute. So, the equality would be:
rate_trainer < 140 bpm.

By defining the variable and writing the corresponding equalities, you can clearly represent the situations and work with the given information.