1. The patient is seen by his family physician for follow-up treatment of recently diagnosed asthmatic bronchitis. The physician’s fee is $75. The patient’s copayment is $20. The patient’s insurance plan covers 80% of the fee schedule amount of $60. No deductible is required.

What is your question?

What amount does the patient pay the provider?


To find out how much the patient will owe after insurance coverage, follow these steps:

1. Determine the fee schedule amount: In this case, the fee schedule amount is $60.

2. Calculate the insurance coverage: The patient's insurance plan covers 80% of the fee schedule amount. Multiply $60 by 80% (or 0.8) to find out how much the insurance will cover. 60 x 0.8 = $48.

3. Calculate the patient's portion before copayment: Subtract the insurance coverage from the fee schedule amount. $60 - $48 = $12.

4. Add the copayment to the patient's portion: The copayment is $20. $12 + $20 = $32.

Therefore, the patient will owe $32 after insurance coverage.