how can you check that the sum of 125+38+75 is 238

To check if the sum of 125, 38, and 75 is equal to 238, you can simply add these numbers together and compare the result to 238.

Here's the step-by-step process to perform the addition:

1. Start by adding the rightmost digits, which are 5+8+5. The sum of these digits is 18.
2. Write down the rightmost digit of the sum, which is 8, and carry over the tens digit (1) to the next step.
3. Now, add the next column of digits: 2+3+7 (including the carried-over tens digit). The sum of these digits is 12.
4. Write down the rightmost digit of the sum, which is 2, and carry over the tens digit (1) to the final step.
5. Finally, add the remaining column of digits, 1+1 (including the carried-over tens digit). The sum of these digits is 2.

The resulting sum is 238, confirming that 125+38+75 = 238.