what is a simple predicate in

a well-fed lion will be peaceful

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What is a linking verb? What are linking verbs' forms?


In the sentence "A well-fed lion will be peaceful," the simple predicate is "will be peaceful." The simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase that expresses the action or state of being of the subject. In this sentence, the verb phrase "will be peaceful" expresses the future tense action or state of being of the lion.

A simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase in a sentence that tells us what the subject is doing. In the sentence "A well-fed lion will be peaceful," the simple predicate is "will be." Here's how you can identify it:

1. Identify the subject: The subject in this sentence is "a well-fed lion." The subject is the noun or noun phrase that the sentence is mainly about.

2. Look for the verb: The verb in this sentence is "will be." It indicates an action or a state of being.

3. Determine the simple predicate: The simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase in the sentence. In this case, the simple predicate is "will be," which shows the future state of the well-fed lion.

So, the simple predicate in the sentence "A well-fed lion will be peaceful" is "will be."