You have 43 marbles. You divide them equally among some sacks. How many sacks must you use to get fewer than 8 marbles in each sack?



To determine the number of sacks needed, we need to find out how many sacks can contain fewer than 8 marbles.

Here's how we can calculate it:

1. Take the maximum number of marbles that each sack can contain, which is 8.
2. Divide the total number of marbles (43) by the maximum number of marbles per sack (8).
43 รท 8 = 5 remainder 3

Since we want to have fewer than 8 marbles in each sack, we need to consider the remainder. In this case, the remainder is 3. The sacks that will have fewer than 8 marbles will be the quotient (5) plus one additional sack for the remainder (3).

Therefore, you would need a total of 6 sacks to distribute the 43 marbles, while ensuring each sack has fewer than 8 marbles.