3 boys or 5 girls can clean a compound in 8 hours. in how many hours will 2 boy 2 girls clean the same compound

To find out how long it will take 2 boys and 2 girls to clean the compound, you can use the concept of work rates. The work rate is the amount of work done per unit of time.

First, let's calculate the work rate of a single boy or girl:
- If 3 boys can clean the compound in 8 hours, then the work rate of a single boy = 1/8 (1 compound cleaned in 8 hours).
- Similarly, if 5 girls can clean the same compound in 8 hours, then the work rate of a single girl = 1/8.

Now, let's calculate the combined work rate of 2 boys and 2 girls:
- The combined work rate of 2 boys = 2 * (1/8) = 1/4 (since each boy has a work rate of 1/8).
- The combined work rate of 2 girls = 2 * (1/8) = 1/4 (since each girl has a work rate of 1/8).

To find out the time required by 2 boys and 2 girls, we can add up their combined work rate and take the reciprocal:
Total work rate of 2 boys and 2 girls = 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2.

Taking the reciprocal, we have:
Time required by 2 boys and 2 girls = 1 / (1/2) = 2.

Therefore, it will take 2 boys and 2 girls to clean the same compound in 2 hours.