I need to know the root word for atlas in arabic?

The English word, atlas, originated with Latin and Greek.


how about in arabic.



To find the root word for "atlas" in Arabic, we can break it down into its root letters. However, it's important to note that "atlas" is not originally an Arabic word and does not have a direct root in the Arabic language. The English word "atlas" refers to a book of maps or a collection of geographical information.

If you are looking for a related Arabic word that conveys a similar meaning, you can use the term "الخريطة" (pronounced "al-kharita"). This is the Arabic word for "map."

To determine the root letters of a word in Arabic, we can remove any prefixes or suffixes. In this case, "الخريطة" is a definite noun form with the definite article "الـ" (al-) and the "ة" (ta) ending, which refers to a singular feminine noun. To find the root letters, we remove the definite article "الـ" and the ending "ة," which leaves us with the root letters "خ-ر-ط" (kh-r-t) in this case.

However, it's important to note that this root might not have any standalone meaning; the word "خريطة" as a whole carries the meaning of "map" in Arabic.