I need to write a poem in the style of an American romantic poet. I don't really understand how to incorporate that into a poem. My poem is supposed to be about nature with the five senses. Can someone please explain to me how i create an american romantic poem??

Romanticism was an era in literature that focused on the individual and his journey opposed to the earlier periods that were focused on religion (like the Puritan ideas.)

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a writer/poet from the romantic era. More specifically he was the hero of transcendentalism. Which was basically just the ideal that in order to understand life and the world one must transcend logic and materials to find the innate divinity within ourselves.

Emerson wrote an essay call "Nature" that talks about how through observing the beauty of nature one can become closer to transcending worldly things and become connected with your innate goodness.

So basically you just need to incorporate those ideas. The poem should be about an individual who is able to understand something significant about his life or the purpose of life through observing nature with his five senses.

For example maybe the individual could go to beach with his family and he sees the vast ocean, feels the warm sun, tastes/smells the salt water, and hears the waves, sees the smiles on his family's face and hear's them laughing and it reminds him of how he used to go to that beach with his family and makes him think about how fast life goes by.

I hope that helped!

thanks :)

To create an American romantic poem, you need to consider the themes, style, and characteristics commonly associated with this literary movement. American romantic poets, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman, were known for their celebration of individuality, a deep connection to nature, and their spiritual and philosophical explorations.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you write an American romantic poem about nature using the five senses:

1. Immerse yourself in nature: Find a quiet place outdoors, like a park or garden, to reconnect with the natural world. Observe your surroundings and let your senses guide you. Notice the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of nature.

2. Focus on a sense: Begin by choosing one sense to emphasize in your poem. For example, you might start with sight and describe the visual aspects of nature, or you could emphasize sound and write about the sounds of a forest or ocean.

3. Use vivid and descriptive language: American romantic poetry often employs rich, sensory language to evoke strong emotions in the reader. Describe your observations in detail, using metaphors, similes, and other literary devices to create vivid images.

4. Reflect on your personal connection: American romantic poets often explored their own thoughts and emotions in relation to nature. Consider how being in nature makes you feel, and reflect on the deeper meaning or insights you gain from your experience.

5. Consider the spiritual or philosophical dimension: American romanticism often dealt with questions of spirituality, the divine, and the interconnectedness of all things. Explore these themes in your poem, contemplating the larger significance of the natural world.

6. Experiment with form and structure: American romantic poets often experimented with free verse, using irregular meter and unconventional structures. Feel free to break away from traditional forms and allow the rhythm of your words to mirror the ebb and flow of nature.

7. Read and study American romantic poetry: Familiarize yourself with the works of American romantic poets to better understand the style and language they employ. This will help you incorporate their influence into your own poem.

Remember, creating an American romantic poem is about expressing your own unique perspective on nature. Allow yourself to be inspired by the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and let your words guide the reader on a sensory journey through your poem.