indirect definitions are subject to individual interpretation.

Kesha or Eric -- please use the same name for your posts.

How does your book define direct and indirect definitions?

Indirect meanings are those meanings that we believe and assume to be true without looking them up in a dictionary. Sometimes these can even be true. Direct meanings are those that are proven to be true and factual. We can find those definitions in a dictionary or text books.

Thanks. I couldn't find these definitions online.

Your answer is correct. That statement is true.

That's correct! Indirect definitions can indeed be subject to individual interpretation. When we talk about indirect definitions, we are typically referring to definitions that are not explicitly stated or specifically defined, but rather implied or understood through context. These types of definitions often rely on the reader or listener's interpretation and understanding of the surrounding information.

To navigate through the subjective nature of indirect definitions, there are a few strategies you can use:

1. Context: Consider the context in which the term or concept is being used. Look for clues or cues that can help shape your understanding of the implied definition. Pay attention to the words, phrases, or ideas that surround the term and try to identify any patterns or connections.

2. Intuition: Trust your intuition and rely on your existing knowledge and experiences. Sometimes, indirect definitions require you to draw upon your background understanding to make sense of the implied meaning.

3. Research: If you encounter an unfamiliar term or concept with an indirect definition, it can be helpful to conduct some additional research. Look for reliable sources such as dictionaries, articles, or scholarly papers that may provide further insight into the implied meaning.

4. Discourse analysis: Engage in a deeper analysis of the language and discourse being used. Pay attention to the rhetorical strategies employed, the author's tone, or any underlying messages that may shape the indirect definition.

Remember that indirect definitions can vary depending on the perspective of the individual, so it's important to consider multiple interpretations and perspectives when approaching any subjective definition.