the first language arts skill that children learn is A) speaking B)reading C) writing D) listening

I choose listening

What is your answer? Think about children under 1 year of age.


The first language arts skill that children typically learn is A) speaking.

To understand why this is the case, let's break down the development of language skills in children:

1. Speaking: This is typically the first language arts skill that children learn. From an early age, children start making verbal sounds and attempting to communicate through spoken language. They learn to use words to express their needs, thoughts, and feelings. Through listening to others speak, they begin to imitate sounds and gradually develop their vocabulary and grammar skills.

2. Listening: The second language arts skill that children develop is listening. By paying attention to the spoken language around them, children start to associate words and sounds with their meanings. They learn to comprehend and understand what others are saying, which is essential for effective communication.

3. Reading: Once children have a solid foundation in spoken language and listening skills, they are introduced to reading. Reading involves understanding written symbols (letters and words) and their corresponding sounds. Children learn to decode letters and words, associate them with their spoken equivalents, and comprehend the meaning of written text.

4. Writing: Finally, after developing speaking, listening, and reading skills, children start to learn the skill of writing. Writing involves expressing thoughts, ideas, and information using written language. It requires understanding grammar rules, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation.

Therefore, based on the typical progression of language development, the first language arts skill that children learn is A) speaking.