you have two bikes that have same reaction times,one runs a 6.o with 140 60 foot the other runs 5.9 with 150 60 foot.who wins?

To determine which bike wins the race, we need to consider both the elapsed time (ET) and the speed of the bikes.

In this case, the elapsed time (ET) for the first bike is 6.0 seconds, while the elapsed time for the second bike is 5.9 seconds. The bike with the lower elapsed time is generally considered faster.

However, the 60-foot time is also important in drag racing. The first bike has a 60-foot time of 140, while the second bike has a 60-foot time of 150. A lower 60-foot time indicates better traction and a more powerful launch.

To determine the winner, we need to compare the overall performance of the bikes. The bike with the better combination of elapsed time and 60-foot time is likely to win.

In this case, the second bike has a faster elapsed time (5.9 seconds) compared to the first bike (6.0 seconds). Although the first bike has a better 60-foot time (140), the performance difference in elapsed time is more significant.

Therefore, based on the given information, the second bike with a 5.9-second elapsed time is the likely winner. However, it's important to note that in actual drag racing, various factors can influence the outcome, such as track conditions, rider skill, and other performance variables.