Please match each number with its best example. Some values will need to be changed into a decimal format.

A. Recurring Decimal
B. Mixed Number
C. Non-repeating Decimal
D. Finite Decimal
E. Decimal



I think 5½ is B and ⅓ is A, but I am confused about the rest! Could someone please help?

You are correct in both of your selections! I'll give you one: pi would be a non-repeating decimal (a decimal that neither terminates nor repeats).

Sure! Let's go through each example and match it with the appropriate label:

½: This is a fraction. To convert it into a decimal, you divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (2). The quotient is 0.5, which is a decimal. So, ½ is E.

5½: This is a mixed number because it combines a whole number (5) and a fraction (½) together. Mixed numbers can also be represented as decimals by adding the whole number part and the fractional part. The decimal representation of 5½ is 5.5. So, 5½ is B.

π: π (pi) is an irrational number and cannot be represented exactly as a fraction or a decimal. It is a non-repeating decimal since its decimal representation goes on forever without repeating or terminating. So, π is C.

0.375: This is a decimal with three decimal places. It has a finite number of digits after the decimal point and does not repeat. So, 0.375 is D.

⅓: This is a fraction. To convert it into a decimal, you divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (3). The quotient is approximately 0.3333, which goes on forever without repeating, making it a recurring decimal. So, ⅓ is A.

In summary:
A. ⅓
B. 5½
C. π
D. 0.375
E. ½

Hope this clarifies the confusion!