

If I'm wrong then use your calulator.


I just used the calulator and that's the answer.


My calculator shows 13.2289 = 13.229

To find the square root of 175, follow these steps:

1. Start by estimating the square root. Since 12² = 144 and 13² = 169, we know that the square root of 175 is somewhere between 12 and 13.

2. Take the average of these two numbers: (12 + 13) / 2 = 12.5. This is a starting point for our calculation.

3. Square the estimated answer: 12.5² = 156.25.

4. Compare the square of the estimate to the original number. If it is close, we are done. If not, proceed to the next step.

5. Adjust the estimated answer based on the comparison. Since 156.25 is less than 175, we need a larger square root estimate. Increase the estimate to a number greater than 12.5. Let's try 12.7.

6. Square the new estimate: 12.7² = 161.29.

7. Compare the square of the new estimate to the original number. We are still not close enough to 175, so adjust the estimate again.

8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until you get a square close to 175. Let's try 12.75 for the next estimate.

9. Square the new estimate: 12.75² ≈ 162.56.

10. Compare the square of the new estimate to the original number: 162.56 is still less than 175. Adjust the estimate again.

11. Continue this process until you get the desired precision or until you are satisfied with the answer.

In this case, the square root of 175 is approximately 13.228.