billy and amy want to ride their bikes from their neighborhood to school which is 14.4 kilometers away. it takes amy 41 minutes to arrive at school. bill arrives 21 minutes after amy. how much faster (in meters/second) is amy's average speed for the entire trip?


To find out how much faster Amy's average speed is for the entire trip, we first need to calculate the average speed of both Billy and Amy.

Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Let's start with Billy's average speed:

Step 1: Convert the time into hours.
Billy arrived 21 minutes after Amy, so 21 minutes is equal to 21/60 = 0.35 hours.

Step 2: Calculate Billy's average speed.
Billy's average speed = Total distance / Total time
The total distance is 14.4 kilometers.
The total time is the time taken by both Billy and Amy, which is 41 minutes + 21 minutes = 62 minutes or 62/60 = 1.03 hours.

Billy's average speed = 14.4 km / 1.03 hours = 13.98 km/h

Now let's calculate Amy's average speed:

Step 1: Convert Amy's time into hours.
Amy took 41 minutes to arrive at school, so 41 minutes is equal to 41/60 = 0.68 hours.

Step 2: Calculate Amy's average speed.
Amy's average speed = Total distance / Total time
Again, the total distance is 14.4 kilometers.
The total time is only Amy's time, which is 41 minutes or 41/60 = 0.68 hours.

Amy's average speed = 14.4 km / 0.68 hours = 21.18 km/h

Now we need to find the difference in their speeds.

Difference in average speeds = Amy's average speed - Billy's average speed
Difference = 21.18 km/h - 13.98 km/h = 7.2 km/h

To convert the difference into meters per second, we need to convert kilometers per hour to meters per second.

1 kilometer = 1000 meters
1 hour = 3600 seconds

Now, we can convert the difference in km/h to m/s:

Difference in m/s = (Difference in km/h * 1000 meters) / 3600 seconds

Difference in m/s = (7.2 km/h * 1000 m) / 3600 s
Difference in m/s = 7200 m / 3600 s
Difference in m/s = 2 m/s

Therefore, Amy's average speed is 2 meters per second faster than Billy's average speed for the entire trip.