Could you please check these sentences, too? Thank you very much.

1)The project was about searching a breeding site for the cheetahs.
They followed and pounce (on) their prey without being heard (or seen) in semi-arid grasslands (or grassland?)
2)They live in semi-arid regions like their Asian cousins. (Is the position of "like" correct?)
At first they didn't dare to go/move/walk to/towards the Marula trees but then they began to trust humans.
3)He represents hope for the other elephants because, little by little, he learnt (or has learnt?) to trust humans.
4)The Indian Government plans to reintroduce cheetahs by importing them from Africa because, like their Asiatic counterparts, African cheetahs live in the same habitats.
5)None of your questions is fully correct.

1) The project was about searching for a breeding site for the cheetahs.

They follow and pounce on their prey without being heard or seen in semi-arid grasslands.

2) They live in semi-arid regions, just as their Asian cousins do.

At first they didn't dare to go/move/walk to/towards the Marula trees, but then they began to trust humans.

3) He represents hope for the other elephants because, little by little, he has learnt to trust humans.

4) The Indian Government plans to reintroduce cheetahs by importing them from Africa because, like their Asiatic counterparts, African cheetahs live in the same types of habitats.

5) None of your questions is fully correct.