Which property is illustrated by the equation (rs)t=r(st)?

A) associative
Help me please

Associative Property: When three or more numbers are multiplied, the product is the same regardless of the grouping of the factors. For example (2 * 3) * 4 = 2 * (3 * 4)

So its A?

If I were you I would go way out on a limb and pick A


To determine which property is illustrated by the equation (rs)t = r(st), let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the left-hand side of the equation: (rs)t
2. According to the properties of multiplication, when you have two numbers multiplied by each other and then the result is multiplied by a third number, you can use the associative property.
- The associative property states that for any three numbers a, b, and c, the product of a and b, followed by multiplying that result by c, will be the same as multiplying b and c first and then multiplying the result by a.
3. Now, let's rearrange the left-hand side of the equation using the associative property: (rs)t = r(st)
4. We can see that the rearranged left-hand side is equal to the right-hand side of the equation.
5. Therefore, the property illustrated by the given equation is the associative property (option A).

So the answer is A) Associative.