solve the inequality express in interval notation

x^4 + 4x^3 - 9x^2 - 36x < 0

Assistance needed.

Ah yeah which is why I post the question.

Alissa -- Writeacher corrected your spelling of "Algebra" so that a math expert would see your post.

Jiskha doesn't have any experts in Alegra (whatever that is).

x^4 + 4x^3 - 9x^2 - 36x

= x(x^3 + 4x^2 - 9x - 36)

Cubics are hard to solve, so look for easy roots. They will be factors of 36.

A little synthetic division reveals


Now since everything is single roots, the graph alternates between positive and negative between roots.

Since it's a quartic with a positive coefficient, it will be positive before the lowest root and after the highest root.


y > 0 for x < -4
y < 0 for -4 < x < -3
y > 0 for -3 < x < 0
y < 0 for 0 < x < 3
y > 0 for x > 3

Thank you I appreciate your help and the fact that you didn't make a big issue out of a typo. Again thank you.

To solve the inequality x^4 + 4x^3 - 9x^2 - 36x < 0 in interval notation, you will first need to find the critical points, which are the values of x where the left side of the inequality is equal to zero.

Step 1: Factor the expression x^4 + 4x^3 - 9x^2 - 36x < 0 by factoring out an x:
x(x^3 + 4x^2 - 9x - 36) < 0

Step 2: Now, let's analyze the sign of the inequality for different intervals.

Interval 1: x < 0
Substitute a value less than 0 into the expression x(x^3 + 4x^2 - 9x - 36) to determine the sign:
(-1)(-1 + 4 + 9 + 36) < 0
(-1)(48) < 0
-48 < 0

Since the expression evaluates to a negative value in Interval 1, it satisfies the inequality.

Interval 2: 0 < x < 3
Substitute a value between 0 and 3 into the expression x(x^3 + 4x^2 - 9x - 36) to determine the sign:
(1)(1 + 4 - 9 - 36) < 0
(1)(-40) < 0
-40 < 0

Since the expression evaluates to a negative value in Interval 2, it satisfies the inequality.

Interval 3: x > 3
Substitute a value greater than 3 into the expression x(x^3 + 4x^2 - 9x - 36) to determine the sign:
(4)(64 + 4(16) - 9(4) - 36) < 0
(4)(64 + 64 - 36 - 36) < 0
(4)(56) < 0
224 < 0

Since the expression evaluates to a positive value in Interval 3, it does not satisfy the inequality.

Step 3: Combine the intervals where the inequality is satisfied.

The solution in interval notation is:
(-∞, 0) ∪ (0, 3)