How would you prepare 1.00 L of an alchol water solution that is 5.00 vol % alchol.

5.00% v/v is 5.00 mL alcohol/100 mL soln which is 50.0 mL alcohol/1000 mL soln. To do this accurately, you would add 50.0 mL alcohol to a 1L volumetric flask and add water to the mark on the flask. Then shake and mix thoroughly. Note that I did NOT say to add 50.0 mL alcohol to 950 mL H2O. The correct procedure gives you 1 L solution; the latter procedure gives you less than 1 L soln; i.e., 950 mL H2O + 50.0 mL alcohol is NOT equal to 1000 mL.

To prepare a 1.00 L alcohol-water solution that is 5.00 vol% alcohol, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the volume and concentration of alcohol needed.
You want a final volume of 1.00 L with 5.00 vol% alcohol. This means that 5.00% of the 1.00 L solution should be alcohol.

Step 2: Calculate the volume of alcohol needed.
Since you want 5.00% of the final volume to be alcohol, you can calculate the volume of alcohol needed using the formula:
Volume of alcohol = (Desired concentration / 100) * Final volume
Volume of alcohol = (5.00 / 100) * 1.00 L
Volume of alcohol = 0.05 L or 50 mL

Step 3: Calculate the volume of water needed.
The remaining volume will be water. To calculate the volume of water needed, subtract the volume of alcohol from the total volume:
Volume of water = Final volume - Volume of alcohol
Volume of water = 1.00 L - 0.05 L
Volume of water = 0.95 L or 950 mL

Step 4: Mix the alcohol and water together.
Measure 50 mL of alcohol and pour it into a container. Then, measure 950 mL of water and add it to the container. Mix the solution thoroughly to ensure uniform distribution of the alcohol within the water.

Now you have prepared a 1.00 L alcohol-water solution with a concentration of 5.00 vol% alcohol.

To prepare a 1.00 L alcohol-water solution that is 5.00 vol % alcohol, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the amount of alcohol needed:
The term "5.00 vol %" means that the solution should contain 5.00 mL of alcohol for every 100 mL of solution.
Therefore, for 1.00 L (1000 mL) of solution, the amount of alcohol needed can be calculated as:
(5.00 mL alcohol / 100 mL solution) x 1000 mL solution = 50 mL alcohol.

Step 2: Determine the amount of water needed:
Since the total volume of the solution is 1.00 L, the remaining volume after adding the alcohol will be filled with water.
Therefore, the amount of water needed can be calculated as:
Total volume - Volume of alcohol = 1000 mL - 50 mL = 950 mL water.

Step 3: Prepare the solution:
Measure 50 mL of alcohol and add it to a container.
Then, measure 950 mL of water and add it to the same container.
Finally, mix well to ensure uniform distribution.

Note: It is crucial to measure accurately and always add the alcohol to the water.