An astronaut exploring a distant solar system lands on an unnamed planet with a radius of 3800 km. When the astronaut jumps upward with an initial speed of 4.00 m/s , she rises to a height of 0.600 m.

What is the mass of the planet?

Force/Massperson= a= GMass/radius^2

Now, at the top of the jump, velocity is zero, so vf=0=4-at or t= 4/a

heightmax= 4t-1/2 a t^2
.6=16/a-1/2 16/a= 8/a
a= 8/.6= GMass/radius^2 now solve for Mass


To calculate the mass of the planet, we can use the equation for gravitational potential energy.

The potential energy (PE) of an object near the surface of a planet is given by the equation PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.

In this case, the potential energy of the astronaut when she jumps is converted into kinetic energy as she rises up. Therefore, we can equate the initial gravitational potential energy to the final kinetic energy.


mgh = (1/2)mv^2

Since the mass (m) cancels out, we can simplify the equation:

gh = (1/2)v^2

Now, let's substitute the given values into the equation:

g = acceleration due to gravity on the unnamed planet
h = height = 0.600 m
v = initial velocity = 4.00 m/s

We need to find the value of g, which is the acceleration due to gravity on the unnamed planet. We can use the equation for gravitational acceleration:

g = (G * M) / r^2

where G is the universal gravitational constant (6.67 x 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2), M is the mass of the planet (unknown), and r is the radius of the planet (3800 km = 3.8 x 10^6 m).

Now, with the value of g, we can calculate the mass of the planet:

gh = (1/2)v^2

[(G * M) / r^2] * h = (1/2)v^2

Now we have an equation with one unknown (M, the mass of the planet). We can solve this equation to find the value of M.

M = [(1/2)v^2 * r^2] / (G * h)

Let's substitute the given values to calculate the mass of the planet.