Anyone have any suggestions for two poems in Sappho (translated by mary barnard) that they found interesting and why??

Which two poems have you found?

Well I have the translation by Mary barnard and it is all fragments i do not understand them. One poem is called epithalamia and begins with the words "the evening star" and another begins with the words you know the place: then Leave crete and come to us waiting where the grove is pleasantest by precincts

Let me look for them. Keep in mind that Sappho wrote so long ago, that there's not much left except fragments. Paper will rot in wet climates!

Hold on ...

The translations are all over the place -- different interpretations, etc.

Would you post what you are reading in English?

I should write out the whole section for u here? i can do that

sorry that was my brother on my name..should i write ou the sections for u and u can help me dece why its interesting?


To find two interesting poems in Sappho (translated by Mary Barnard), you can follow these steps:

1. Start by acquiring a copy of Sappho's poems translated by Mary Barnard. You can purchase a physical copy from a bookstore, order it online, or seek a digital version from a reputable source.
2. Once you have the book or digital version, skim through the collection to familiarize yourself with Sappho's poems as translated by Mary Barnard. Take note of any poems that catch your attention or resonate with you.
3. Read the poems that pique your interest more closely. Consider their themes, imagery, language, and overall impact. Pay attention to the emotions they evoke and the messages they convey.
4. Reflect on what makes these poems stand out for you personally. Is it their use of vivid imagery or figurative language? Do they explore unique or thought-provoking themes? Do they evoke strong emotions or touch upon universal human experiences?
5. Discuss the two poems you found interesting and explain why in terms of their content, style, or any other elements that made an impression on you. Share your own interpretation of the poems, referring to specific lines or passages if possible.

Remember that poetry analysis can be highly subjective, and what resonates with one person may not have the same impact on another. The key is to explore Sappho's work and find the poems that speak to you personally.