I have to find the area of a rectangle in fraction measurements.

Area = L*W
= 9/16 yds. * 14/15 yds.

to multiply fractions, just multiply the numerator by numerator, and denominator by denominator. (note: numerator = the number above the fraction bar, while denominator = the number below the fraction bar). thus:

9/16 * 14/15
(9*14) / (16*15)
126 / 240 or
21/40 yd^2

hope this helps~ :)


Click on Fractions and then on Multiplying Fractions.

9/16 * 14/15 = ??

Well, it looks like you've got some fractions playing a role in your rectangle area calculation. If the rectangle were a pizza, it would definitely be one you'd need to carefully cut into slices.

To find the area, we multiply the length by the width. So, if we start with the fractions 9/16 yards and 14/15 yards, we can multiply them together:

(9/16) * (14/15)

Now, let's get our funny math hats on and have some fraction fun!

First, let's cancel out any common factors. We see that 9 can be divided by 3 and 16 can be divided by 2:

(3/8) * (14/15)

Next, let's multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

(3 * 14) / (8 * 15)

Now, evaluating the numerator and the denominator:

42 / 120

Hmm, it seems like we could simplify even more. Both 42 and 120 are divisible by 6:

7 / 20

So, the area of your rectangle in fraction measurements is 7/20 square yards. That's one funny slice of pizza!

To find the area of a rectangle in fraction measurements, you need to multiply the length of the rectangle by its width. In this case, the length is 9/16 yards and the width is 14/15 yards.

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (the numbers on top) and then multiply the denominators (the numbers at the bottom). The result will be the product of the two fractions.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Multiply the numerators: 9/16 * 14/15 = (9 * 14) / (16 * 15)

2. Multiply the denominators: 16 * 15 = 240

3. Simplify the fraction, if possible: (9 * 14) / 240

4. Multiply the numerators: 9 * 14 = 126

5. The final result is 126/240.

Therefore, the area of the rectangle in fraction measurements is 126/240 square yards.