A certain soccer team wins (W) with P(W)= 60%, loses(L) with P(L) = 30%, and ties (T) with P(T) = 10%. The team plays three games over the weekend.

a.Determine the elements of the event A that the team wins at least twice and does not lose.

b.Find P(A)

c.Determine the elements of the event B that the team wins, loses, and ties

d.Find (B)

a) Could be

WWT -- 3 ways for that

b) P(A) = .6^3 + 3(.6)^2 (.1) = ...

c) WLT - 6 ways to arrange that

d) P)B) = 6(.6)(.3)(.1) = ....

you do the button pushing


To determine the elements of the given events and calculate their probabilities, we can use basic probability rules and combinatorics.

Let's start with part a.

a. The event A represents the scenario where the team wins at least twice and does not lose. There are a few possible outcomes for this event:

1. Win-Win-Win (WWW)
2. Win-Win-Tie (WWT)
3. Win-Tie-Win (WTW)
4. Tie-Win-Win (TWW)

Notice that we do not count the scenario where the team loses any game.

Next, let's calculate the probabilities for each outcome:

1. P(WWW) = P(W) * P(W) * P(W) = 0.60 * 0.60 * 0.60 = 0.216
2. P(WWT) = P(W) * P(W) * P(T) = 0.60 * 0.60 * 0.10 = 0.036
3. P(WTW) = P(W) * P(T) * P(W) = 0.60 * 0.10 * 0.60 = 0.036
4. P(TWW) = P(T) * P(W) * P(W) = 0.10 * 0.60 * 0.60 = 0.036

The elements of event A are WWW, WWT, WTW, and TWW.

b. To find the probability of event A, we need to sum up the probabilities of all the individual outcomes:

P(A) = P(WWW) + P(WWT) + P(WTW) + P(TWW) = 0.216 + 0.036 + 0.036 + 0.036 = 0.324

c. The event B represents the scenario where the team wins, loses, and ties. There is only one outcome for this event: Win-Loss-Tie (WLT).

Let's calculate the probability for this outcome:

P(WLT) = P(W) * P(L) * P(T) = 0.60 * 0.30 * 0.10 = 0.018

The elements of event B are WLT.

d. The probability of event B is simply the probability of the outcome WLT:

P(B) = P(WLT) = 0.018

Therefore, the elements of event B are WLT and the probability of event B is 0.018.