type 8580 words in 2hrs and 45mins

Are you supposed to find the number or words per hour?


To calculate how many words you need to type per hour, you can divide the total number of words by the total time in hours.

First, convert 2 hours and 45 minutes to hours by dividing the 45 minutes by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour) and adding the result to the 2 hours:

2 hours + (45 minutes / 60) hours = 2.75 hours

Now, divide the total number of words (8580) by the total time in hours (2.75):

8580 words / 2.75 hours = 3127.27 words per hour

So, you would need to type approximately 3127.27 words per hour to reach your goal of 8580 words in 2 hours and 45 minutes.