what is some background information on homosexuals?



This is pretty vague, and frankly, prone to very sloppy thinking in generalizations. Are you looking for something particular? There is not much in differences in homosexuals, bisexuals, and heterosexuals except gender preference, most of the other information provided by "authorities" over the years has proved most untrue.

no i basically just needed background info on homosexuals in general, im just not sure how to summarize all that information from the link :P

Some people have been homosexual or bisexual since the beginning of the human race. It's likely that Alexander the Great around 300 B.C. was bisexual. Different cultures have had different attitudes toward them.

As BobPursley said, you need to narrow your inquiry down. Background on homosexuals have filled many books.

I don't know how to narrow it down, my project is just on homosexuals and one of my slides has to be background information , this is what i have so far:

Society began to discuss homosexuality in the twentieth century after the modern rights movement in 1969. Before this time, many believed that homosexuality was a mental illness or as apathology that needed to be cured. Homosexuals were often harassed and insulted based on the prejudices and stereotypes that society has placed on them.

Homosexuality was accepted in many ancient cultures.



Homosexuality refers to sexual or romantic attraction, emotional or sexual relations, and self-identification as a homosexual individual. It is a natural variation of human sexuality. The understanding and acceptance of homosexuality have significantly evolved over time, with different cultures and societies holding diverse perspectives on this topic. To gather more comprehensive and accurate background information on homosexuals, it is recommended to explore various reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and educational websites. These sources can provide historical, cultural, psychological, and sociological insights into homosexuality, its prevalence, causes, and impact on individuals and society.