Choose the one that is not correct

Wood frame house are caught fire.
Clothing burst into flame and people suffer intense third-degree flash burns over their exposed flesh.

Please read these aloud -- then re-post and let us know which one YOU THINK is incorrect.

I'm not so good with English would you please help me

Wood frame houses are caught fire. Clothing bursts into flame and people suffered intense third-degree flash burns over their exposed flesh.

Which do you think is incorrect? Please!!!

Wood frame houses are caught fire.

This has two different verbs ("are" and "caught") do you need two verbs?

Clothing bursts into flame and people suffered intense third-degree flash burns over their exposed flesh.
This has two different verbs ("bursts" and "suffered"), each with its own subject. Do you need two verbs here?

Is their grammatical error with this sentence?

The sentence "Wood frame house are caught fire" is grammatically incorrect. It should be written as "Wood frame houses catch fire." This sentence states a fact that wood-framed houses can catch fire.

The second sentence, "Clothing burst into flame and people suffer intense third-degree flash burns over their exposed flesh," describes a situation where clothing catches fire and people experience severe burns. This sentence is correct and does not contain any grammatical errors.

Therefore, the correct answer is: "Wood frame house are caught fire."