What is the supplement, and compliment of 6x-5. Thanks in advance.

To find the supplement and complement of an algebraic expression, we need to understand the concepts of supplements and complements.

The supplement of an expression is calculated by subtracting the expression from 180°. In this case, since we are dealing with an algebraic expression, we'll consider 180 as another expression, say "180°x + 180°".

So, to find the supplement of 6x-5:
Supplement = 180° - (6x-5)

Similarly, the complement is calculated by subtracting the expression from 90°. Once again, we'll consider 90 as another expression, say "90°x + 90°".

To find the complement of 6x-5:
Complement = 90° - (6x-5)

Now let's simplify these expressions:

Supplement = 180° - (6x-5)
= 180° - 6x + 5
= 185 - 6x

Complement = 90° - (6x-5)
= 90° - 6x + 5
= 95 - 6x

Therefore, the supplement of 6x-5 is 185 - 6x, and the complement is 95 - 6x.