How to costruct a parallelogram named HEAR.HE=5cm,EA=6cm and angle R=85 degree.I WANT answer quickly.

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To construct a parallelogram named HEAR with given information, including HE = 5 cm, EA = 6 cm, and angle R = 85 degrees, follow these steps:

1. Draw a line segment representing HE with a length of 5 cm. Label one end as H and the other end as E.
2. Place the compass at point E and draw an arc with a radius of 6 cm to intersect line HE. Label this point of intersection as A.
3. Draw a line segment connecting points H and A. This line segment represents one side of the parallelogram.
4. Using a protractor, measure and mark an angle of 85 degrees at point H on the side HA. Label the endpoint of the angle as R.
5. From point R, extend a line segment in the opposite direction of HA. This line segment represents the other side of the parallelogram.
6. Use a compass to measure the length of HA, then place the compass at point A and draw an arc to intersect the line segment drawn in step 5. Label this point of intersection as R'.
7. Connect points R' and E to complete the parallelogram HEAR.

That's it! You have successfully constructed the parallelogram HEAR with the given measurements.