Is a producer synonym for a director?

I think so.

No, they have different duties. One person may take on both of them, though.
"1. Executive responsible for the creation, development, and supervision of a radio or television program, play, or motion picture. The producer usually works with the director, who is the artistic overseer of the production, to execute the direction of the show. Some examples of the producer's responsibilities may include securing money for a production, hiring personnel, and making purchasing decisions."
See #3.

No, a producer is not a synonym for a director. While they both play important roles in the production of a film, they have different responsibilities.

A film producer is involved in the business and financial aspects of a film. They oversee the entire production process, from development to distribution. Producers are involved in securing funding, hiring key personnel, coordinating logistics, managing budgets, and ensuring the project stays on schedule. They often work closely with the director but are primarily responsible for the overall management of the project.

On the other hand, a director is primarily responsible for the creative aspects of a film. They work closely with the cast and crew to interpret the screenplay, plan and execute the visual style of the film, direct performances, and make artistic decisions throughout the production process. The director's vision and artistic choices are key in shaping the final product.

While the roles of producer and director can overlap to some extent, they are distinct positions with different areas of focus.