use formula F= 9/5 * c+32

68 degrees C= ? degree F

Solve it the same way I showed you before.

it wasn't right

To convert 68 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit using the formula F = (9/5) * C + 32, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Plug in the value of Celsius (C) into the formula.
F = (9/5) * 68 + 32

Step 2: Perform the multiplication and addition first.
F = (9/5) * 68 + 32
F = (9 * 68) / 5 + 32
F = 612 / 5 + 32
F = 122.4 + 32

Step 3: Add 122.4 and 32 together to get the final value.
F = 122.4 + 32
F ≈ 154.4

Therefore, 68 degrees Celsius is approximately equal to 154.4 degrees Fahrenheit.