Defend why you consider these to be modern styles.

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To defend why certain styles can be considered modern, we need to understand what makes a style "modern." In general, modern styles are characterized by their contemporary influences, innovation, and departure from traditional or historical conventions. They often reflect the cultural, social, and technological advancements of a particular era.

To determine if a style can be considered modern, consider the following:

1. Influences: Modern styles are often influenced by current trends, technologies, or cultural movements. They reflect the ideas and perspectives of the present time. Look for signs of contemporary influences within the style.
2. Innovation: Modern styles break away from traditional or established norms. They introduce new techniques, materials, or concepts that push the boundaries of what was previously thought possible. Notice any innovative elements or approaches inherent in the style.
3. Departure from tradition: Modern styles frequently deviate from historical or conventional approaches. They challenge established norms and norms, offering a fresh perspective. Look for features that differentiate the style from more traditional or older styles.

By evaluating a style based on these criteria, you can determine whether it fits the definition of being "modern." Keep in mind that "modern" is a relative term, and while a style may have been considered modern in the past, it may no longer be considered so today. The concept of "modern" is constantly evolving as new ideas and influences emerge.