How do you put 7x= 3y-12 in y=mx+b form?

add 12 to both sides.

divide each side by 3

To put the equation 7x = 3y - 12 in y = mx + b form, you need to isolate the variable y on one side of the equation.

Let's go through the steps:

1. Start with the equation: 7x = 3y - 12.
2. Your goal is to isolate the y term, so move the 3y term to the left side by subtracting 3y from both sides: 7x - 3y = -12.
3. Now, you have -3y on the left side, but to make it positive, multiply both sides by -1: -1(7x - 3y) = -1(-12).
This gives you -7x + 3y = 12.
4. Rearrange the terms so that the y term comes first: 3y - 7x = 12.
5. Finally, you can write the equation in y = mx + b form, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept. In this case, the equation is already in this form: y = (3/7)x + 4.

So, 7x = 3y - 12 is equivalent to y = (3/7)x + 4 in y = mx + b form.