I need help on a camparative essay between Barbie Doll and Phenomenal Woman and I would like to include Mirrors. In Barbie Doll society will dictate to us about body image, In phenomenal woman she is confident and is telling society how good she looks and in Mirrors is not influenced by society at all, it is matter of fact, it is the truth. How do i begin. Evelyn

I didn't get that from Phenomental Woman: I think she is telling how good she feels, and the power she feels. In fact, I think the point is what we feel is what we are.

Eat your heart out, Barbie.

To begin your comparative essay between "Barbie Doll" and "Phenomenal Woman," with a focus on the theme of societal influence and self-perception, you can follow these steps:

1. Introduction:
- Start with a captivating opening sentence to grab the reader's attention. For example, you could begin with a thought-provoking quote related to body image or societal pressure.
- Provide a brief overview of the three texts you will be discussing: "Barbie Doll," "Phenomenal Woman," and "Mirrors."

2. Thesis statement:
- Craft a strong thesis statement that clearly states your main argument. For example, "Although all three texts explore the theme of self-perception and societal pressure, 'Barbie Doll' portrays the damaging effects of societal beauty standards, 'Phenomenal Woman' emphasizes self-confidence and resistance to societal norms, and 'Mirrors' presents an objective truth unaffected by society's expectations."

3. Briefly summarize "Barbie Doll":
- Provide a concise summary of "Barbie Doll" by Marge Piercy, focusing on how society's influence shapes the protagonist's self-perception and ultimately leads to her tragic fate. Mention key details that illustrate the societal pressure on body image.

4. Analyze "Phenomenal Woman":
- Discuss Maya Angelou's "Phenomenal Woman" and how the speaker's self-assurance and confidence contradict societal beauty standards. Highlight specific lines or stanzas that showcase the speaker's self-appreciation and resilience against societal pressures.

5. Examine "Mirrors":
- Analyze the poem "Mirrors" by Sylvia Plath, emphasizing how it diverges from the themes of societal pressure and self-perception found in the previous two texts. Explain how "Mirrors" presents an objective truth, reflecting whatever is placed before it, devoid of societal judgment or influence.

6. Comparison and contrast:
- Identify commonalities and differences among the three texts. Compare how society's influence on body image is reflected in "Barbie Doll," how self-confidence and resistance to societal norms are portrayed in "Phenomenal Woman," and how "Mirrors" presents an objective truth detached from societal expectations.

7. Conclusion:
- Summarize your main points and restate your thesis, demonstrating how the three texts collectively explore the theme of societal influence and self-perception.
- Offer some final thoughts on the significance or implications of the comparative analysis, encouraging readers to critically reflect on society's impact on self-image and the importance of self-acceptance.

Remember to support your analysis with specific examples and quotes from each poem to strengthen your arguments and provide evidence.