My Character Building Teacher had given me a project to write the names of the people we hate on a non-boiled raw potato, and put it inside a clear plastic, locked, and not to be opened until the project is finished. Everyday, we should take an observation of the potato and write it down and I found my potato to have water in the holes and the plastic is full of dew.

Some of my friends' potatoes are already so rotten that the names are not seen again.
The teachers told me to write the lesson that I can learn from this task.
Can you tell me what lesson that I could learn? Please, tell me as much as you can.
Thank you so much :)
(Sorry if it's too long)

As time goes on and the potato rots, why do you think the names disappear?

Then apply this concept to your life. If you "lock away" the names of "people you hate" and go on with your life, no matter how it turns out, what do you think happens in your mind regarding those people?

From your project experience, there are a few potential lessons that you could learn:

1. Holding onto anger or hatred harms ourselves: This project symbolizes holding onto negative emotions towards others. As you observe the rotting of the potato and changes in the plastic, it serves as a reminder that harboring hatred can consume us from within and affect our overall well-being.

2. Letting go is important for personal growth: Seeing your friends' potatoes rot and their names no longer visible suggests that holding onto negative feelings can lead to destruction and decay. Conversely, releasing negative emotions allows us to move forward and grow as individuals.

3. Negative energy attracts negativity: The water in the holes of your potato and dew on the plastic could symbolize negative energy accumulating and manifesting in physical ways. This serves as a reminder that dwelling on hatred might attract more negative experiences and people into our lives.

4. Forgiveness and empathy have the power to heal: Reflecting on this project, you might realize the importance of forgiveness and empathy. By letting go of grudges and trying to understand others' perspectives, we can foster healing for ourselves and others involved.

5. Self-reflection and awareness: The daily observations you are required to make encourage self-reflection and awareness of the changes occurring in the potato and plastic. This exercise teaches you to pay attention to the consequences of negative emotions and the impact they have on your life.

6. The importance of positive relationships: As you witness the decay of the potatoes with names you hate, you may recognize the significance of cultivating healthy and positive relationships. This project could highlight the value of surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you and promote growth.

Remember, the lesson you take away from this project may vary, as different individuals may interpret the symbolism differently. It's essential to reflect on your personal experiences and understanding.