Henry moore reviewed medical record 88-oo-17 and discovered a missed dose of triazolam on march 10. This type of review is called a/an _____review.

a. quantitative
b. utiliation
c. qualitative
d. concurrent

The correct answer is d. concurrent review.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the different types of medical record reviews.

a. Quantitative review: This type of review focuses on analyzing data and statistics related to patient care. It involves the use of numerical measurements and is primarily concerned with assessing the quantity of services provided.

b. Utilization review: This type of review involves evaluating the appropriateness, necessity, and efficiency of healthcare services rendered. It assesses the utilization patterns and ensures that the services provided are medically necessary and meet the standards of care.

c. Qualitative review: This type of review focuses on the quality of care provided. It involves assessing subjective factors such as patient satisfaction, communication, and adherence to protocols.

d. Concurrent review: A concurrent review is a type of review conducted in real-time or concurrently with the provision of care. It involves reviewing medical records and assessing care during the patient's hospitalization or treatment. The purpose of a concurrent review is to identify any deviations from the intended care plan, missed doses, or any other issues that may impact the patient's safety and well-being.

In this scenario, Henry Moore reviewed medical record 88-oo-17 and discovered a missed dose of triazolam on March 10. Since the review was conducted concurrently while the patient was being cared for, it is considered a concurrent review.