36. "¿Qué hora es?"

"Son las once _________."
a. por el día
b. de la tarde
c. de la noche
d. en media hora

37. "¿Puedes sacar libros de la biblioteca?"
"Sí, puedo _____ porque tengo tarjeta de biblioteca."
a. las sacar
b. a sacarlos
c. sacarlos
d. sacar
Not sure...

38. Van a dar las noticias a las doce en el canal dos. Vamos ________.
a. a verlas
b. ver
c. a ver
d. las ver
Not sure..


36. Taken out of context, it might be but otherwise, c.

37. to take them out = c

38. to see them = a


36. To answer the question "¿Qué hora es?" (What time is it?), you need to determine whether it is in the morning, afternoon, or evening. And based on the options given, the correct answer is "c. de la noche" (in the evening).

37. To answer the question "¿Puedes sacar libros de la biblioteca?" (Can you take books out from the library?), you need to consider the statement "Sí, puedo _____ porque tengo tarjeta de biblioteca." (Yes, I can _____ because I have a library card.). From the options, the correct answer is "c. sacarlos" (take them out).

38. To complete the sentence "Vamos ________." (We are going to _____.), you need to choose the correct option to express that you are going to watch the news at twelve o'clock on channel two. In this case, the correct answer is "a. a verlas" (to watch them).

So, the correct answers are:
36. c. de la noche
37. c. sacarlos
38. a. a verlas