What minimum acceleration must it engines produce if the airoplane has become airbome after starting from rest and travelling a distance of 300m on the runway

To calculate the minimum acceleration of the airplane's engines, we need to apply the laws of motion. We can use the following equation:

\[d = ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2\]

- \(d\) is the distance traveled (300m in this case).
- \(u\) is the initial velocity (which is zero since the airplane starts from rest).
- \(a\) is the acceleration we are looking for.
- \(t\) is the time it takes to travel that distance.

In this case, since the airplane starts from rest, the initial velocity (\(u\)) is zero. Therefore, the equation simplifies to:

\[d = \frac{1}{2}at^2\]

Rearranging the equation to solve for acceleration (\(a\)), we get:

\[a = \frac{2d}{t^2}\]

To find \(t\), we need to know the time it takes the airplane to travel the distance of 300m. If you have the time, you can substitute it into the equation and calculate the acceleration (\(a\)). Without the time, it is not possible to determine the minimum acceleration.